Yellow Bouquet Note Block


Our note block, adorned with a vibrant yellow floral bouquet, is perfect for all your jotting needs. Crafted from premium 80 weight paper, it offers a delightful writing experience, whether you're making a to-do list or sending a sweet note, this block brings a touch of sunshine to every page, encouraging creativity and connection in every use.

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Our note block, adorned with a vibrant yellow floral bouquet, is perfect for all your jotting needs. Crafted from premium 80 weight paper, it offers a delightful writing experience, whether you're making a to-do list or sending a sweet note, this block brings a touch of sunshine to every page, encouraging creativity and connection in every use.

Our note block, adorned with a vibrant yellow floral bouquet, is perfect for all your jotting needs. Crafted from premium 80 weight paper, it offers a delightful writing experience, whether you're making a to-do list or sending a sweet note, this block brings a touch of sunshine to every page, encouraging creativity and connection in every use.